Welcome to our Woodland Gardens!
It was a long and cold winter for us out at Mabel Lake, BC, Canada. So, the Spring is even more welcome. We've been beyond excited to see all that white stuff disappear (aka snow) and our gardens unveil themselves to us. With the Spring run off, our gardens are just springing to life! So many colours! So many textures! So many smells! Ohh, it's wonderful!
Over the past couple of weeks, we've spent A LOT of time outside in the gardens. Playing. Getting dirty. Planting. Shovelling. Landscaping. Weeding. Oh, lots of weeding.
For the first time ever, we'd like to share with you a sneak peak into the vibrant Spring flowers adorning our woodland gardens!

Edelweiss Flowers in Bloom.

* All images by Martin Hippmann.